A little quick guide to Jinbochō

I met some Brazillian tourists the other day and they asked me for some insight in Tokyo’s hidden gems. I consider Jimbocho (or Jinbochō as it’s often written) a nice fine area to get lost, especially if you like books. I thought it might be worth sharing it here:

Luis Mendo
2 min readSep 3, 2017


Magnif is a lovely small shop in Jimbocho specialised in fashion magazines from the last century.

I recommend going in weekdays, in the weekend some things might be closed. This list will easily fill an afternoon, starting with lunch. Sorry if I miss some names since I am more of an occasional traveller and tend to not care about names but more about the location etc.

Old Soba Place

Go here for a traditional soba, they haven’t change a thing in the last 100 years.


After the soba, have a coffee here. Great espresso and there’s an artist residency near so often artists are there working.

Takeo paper shop

Next to Glitch, a beautiful paper shop of the best paper brand in Japan, Takeo. Don’t forget to visit the 2F where they

