Making unique art from digital art

Luis Mendo
6 min readJan 22, 2024

When artists make art using digital tools, is there an “original” we can talk about? I am conducting a test

My relationship with digital art making

The 11" iPad Pro came out in 2018 featuring the Apple Pencil 2. I immediately bought one. It wasn’t my first one, but the new pencil and specs made it a big thing. I knew I’d end up swapping my Photoshop + Wacom setup and it took me only a few months to do ALL my client and personal work on the iPad. I even wrote a piece about using the ipad as a sketchbook that still gets lots of readers today (it’s actually due for a review).

In the 7 years I have worked digital only, I have mostly encountered pleasure and advantages. By making all my drawings on the iPad, I can do so much I can’t when working with ink and paper:

  • Send work to my international clients in seconds after completion
  • Amend illustrations from wherever, whenever, if needed
  • Keep things tidy; an original paper archive is a nightmare to keep
  • Desk stays clean too
  • Change, mix or try new techniques on the fly, without needing to go to the art supply store or the nightmares of trying for instance watercolours on…

